Seamless Survey Share

Maximize reach, multiply responses. Boost survey responses across all channels

Built-in email

Edit subject lines, content, logos, and send dates. Embed the initial question for greater engagement. Easily schedule and automate recurring surveys

Unique link sharing

Generate multiple web links, track each distinctly, and identify top-performing channels. Dive deep into the performance funnel

SMS survey sharing

Send tailored survey texts. Craft, preview, and ensure optimum engagement. Experience higher open rates and increased responses

Embed & engage

Place surveys throughout your website, from pop-up cards to chatbots or inline content. Capture actionable insights from your visitors with ease

Social share

Share your surveys on top social platforms. Customize meta tags, descriptions, and feature a distinct image for standout presence

QR code access

Generate a scannable QR for your survey. Embed it on pamphlets, posters, or receipts, letting respondents jump into the survey with a simple scan

Email embed

Secure a seamless code to integrate your survey with top email platforms like MailChimp. Enhance engagement and see completion rates soar

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